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Modern Slavery Statement

At MacKillop, we recognise that modern slavery occurs in many forms and everyone plays a part in its elimination. We are deeply committed to working for the rights of children, young people and families to promote healing from trauma and loss, and to enable hopeful futures.

The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act (the "Act") 2018 defines modern slavery to include: servitude, human trafficking, forced marriage, forced labour, debt bondage, child labour, and deceptive recruiting for labour or services.

In accordance with the Act, MacKillop will update our Modern Slavery Statement annually. Each edition will outline our framework, processes and the work being undertaken to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery in our business operations and supply chains. Our 2023 Modern Slavery Statement covers the following areas:

  • Our background, values and strategic goals
  • Our governance structure
  • Our policies and procedures
  • Risks of modern slavery within our supply chains
  • How we mitigate modern slavery risks
  • How we measure the effectiveness of our work.

Previous Modern Slavery Statements