Reconnect supports young people who are at risk of homelessness or who have been out of home for a short time. It aims to support families in the early stages of breakdown, encourage reconciliation where possible or rebuild a supportive relationship with their family.
Reconnect is available for young people aged between 12 and 18 years (up to 21 for those of a refugee background) living in the regions of:
- Barwon, Victoria
- Coonabarabran, Coonamble and Walgett in rural NSW
We offer confidential support to families to try to help young people to stay at (or return) home until they have the necessary skills to become independent.
Working with families and other local services, our goal is to help the young person stabilise their living situation and resolve any family conflict. We can assist with:
- mediation
- family counselling
- practical support (eg: help to access Youth Allowance)
- improving connections to work, education, training and the local community.
We work closely with schools, community organisations and government departments to support young people and their families access the services they need to achieve a more peaceful home environment.
How to access this service
Reconnect services are free. Those interested can contact the service directly or be referred by community groups and agencies. Young people can refer themselves, or any family, relatives or friends can place referrals.
- Geelong Reconnect in Barwon is a joint initiative between MacKillop Family Services and Meli.
- NSW Reconnect is an initiative held with MacKillop Family Services.
- Our Reconnect programs are funded by the Federal Department of Social Services.