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From Turmoil to Triumph

After fleeing her abusive family in Queensland in search of safety and security, Britt’s* attempt to find solace with her older sister in Victoria quickly unravelled. Their arrangement was marred by fighting, property destruction, and—in extreme cases—police intervention, so Britt came to live in a residential care home. Sadly, Britt’s challenges persisted—she was violent towards others and would frequently run away from home.

It was during this time that Britt began at MacKillop’s specialist school in Maidstone. Her teachers and support staff immediately recognised the signs of a child who had experienced extreme trauma and abuse.

While the turmoil continued at home, school became a sanctuary for Britt, providing her with the routine and stability she desperately needed.

Britt’s transformation has been nothing short of remarkable. From her first day, showing up anxious with many difficult and dangerous behaviours, to a blossoming young woman who has found peace within herself and acceptance amongst her peers.

“Britt is a leader in our school; kind, compassionate, and wise beyond her years. She has a calm, grounded presence, and a huge capacity for empathy and reflection. Her ability to connect with others has led to her developing positive and safe friendships with other students. The change we have seen in her over the last three years has been huge,” says Abigail, Britt’s Education Support Worker.

Everyone at Maidstone school believes Britt is a source of inspiration and hope and she is destined to touch many more lives along her extraordinary journey.

In other Maidstone Campus news, it is with great pride that MacKillop Education announces Tammy Byrne's appointment to the position of Principal.

In her third year with MacKillop Education, Tammy has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership at the school, and in previous roles in the education sector.

Through its schools and Education and Engagement programs, MacKillop has implemented many supportive initiatives to help the children and young people be the best they can be, like Britt.

A fantastic school-based initiative that supports students that are currently disengaged or at risk of disengaging from education is our Paw Pals program, for which our annual fundraising day is fast approaching.

Keep your eyes out for updates about all the exciting activities and how you can help our hardworking four-legged friends, and the students who need their support.

*Name changed to protect privacy