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Roelands Village

00:05 [Francis] On the village we do a lot of cultural stuff.

00:08 Sport, fishing, marroning.

00:11 Teaching the respect for the bush and why everything has

00:14 a purpose.

00:15 And understanding where our spiritual life in terms of the

00:18 Noongar people fit in.

00:20 And he's comfortable within his own skin and

00:22 that's the most important thing.

00:23 Is to make him comfortable.

00:24 Rainbow Serpent, who created all this for Noongar people.

00:27 We call him the Wagyl.

00:28 Roelands village is a former Churches of Christ mission.

00:33 From the early 1940s until the 1970s.

00:36 About 500 Aboriginal children

00:39 were taken from their families.

00:41 A Stolen Generation.

00:44 And placed at the mission.

00:45 There's documentation within Government records to say

00:49 we will take the half cast children out of

00:51 those communities, raise them as white.

00:53 And the old traditional Aboriginal would be no more.

00:57 That's the way the Governments at all levels looked at

00:59 Aboriginal people.

01:00 And to us this is like yesterday.

01:02 Today, the Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisation

01:06 known as Woolkabunning Kiaka have taken Roelands back.

01:10 And have developed a healing community that

01:13 provides opportunities for empowerment and for children to

01:16 have a positive future.

01:18 They've got a lot of opportunities now, this is where we

01:20 focus.

01:21 Where we taken on that journey, take them through it

01:23 Not to hold hate or anything like that but to have an

01:25 understanding.

01:26 What's happened in the past.

01:27 [Francis] That's Pop.

01:29 [Little Boy] Yes.

01:29 [Francis] And that's my cousin, Mingar.

01:31 [Les] And they then get a good appreciation for

01:34 where they are and the opportunities that

01:37 are there before them.

01:38 Which we never had.

01:40 [Francis] Roelands village today is used more

01:42 as a healing center.

01:44 People being able to visit and feel at ease with themselves.

01:47 Given a difficult time that we've had here as kids.

01:50 But it's mainly about to skill our community up and create

01:53 opportunities for our community.

01:55 As well as now being used for the purpose of looking after

01:58 some of our Noongar kids.

02:00 And trying to give them a better life.

02:03 MacKillop is working with Woolkabunning Kiaka to support

02:07 Noongar children in care.

02:09 We believe Aboriginal people know best when it comes to

02:12 bringing up Aboriginal children.

02:14 And together we've developed a new model of care known as

02:18 Other Home Care.

02:19 Where children are deeply connected to community,

02:22 to their culture and to the land.

02:25 This provides cultural safety.

02:28 Growing up, kids have always moved around and been at

02:32 relations places, you know, staying at mam's pop's

02:34 or aunties and uncles and cousins so

02:37 it's someone else's home, this other home.

02:39 So for us this is just another newer home,

02:42 another Noongnar family.

02:43 That these kids are gonna be staying with.

02:45 So it's still culturally how it was for us, you know,

02:49 growing up.

02:50 It's not a foster home, it's not a DCP house.

02:53 This is other home.

02:55 [Francis] And what if you catch a little marron

02:57 what do we have to do?

02:59 That's right.

03:00 Throw it back in.

03:02 [Violet] With Phillip have come and worked with us and

03:05 listened to us and that's why it is where it is now

03:08 and not him coming in and saying this is how it needs to be.

03:13 It's Aboriginal people saying what works best for us and

03:17 then working with them to make it happen the way that we

03:21 see it should be happening.

03:23 [Francis] Now when you know when you walking on that log.

03:25 You know the marrons know you're here.

03:27 Because when you walk on that log, the log shakes

03:29 in the water.

03:30 So the marrons underneath there, is he shaking or what?

03:33 Working with the young fella that I got.

03:35 When we first got him, very timid, very shy,

03:39 very aggressive.

03:40 Obviously a lack of trust, proofs to be in 17 homes.

03:45 And we were pretty much the last resort but

03:47 we we're in it for the long haul and we've seen a drastic

03:51 change in terms of how he views people.

03:54 His respect to his elders, his respect to his community.

03:57 [Violet] We see the other side from the parents

03:59 point of view as well.

04:00 And we want to put families back together.

04:04 Some kids grow up into people being whatever they

04:07 want to be.

04:08 To get a good education, to see it and support them

04:11 in whatever they wanna be.

04:13 [Violet] So it's now our turn to make a difference.

04:16 To be our strong Noongar leaders, that you know.

04:22 [Les] We all, all of us, we know family.

04:27 You know, this young lad coming here, we were able

04:29 to tell him who he was.

04:31 How he fits in.

04:33 How he's related to us, you know.

04:36 We’re his mums and pops, all his family there his got.

04:40 And he's definitely got a feel of home, a real home.

04:45 And that pride within him makes us all proud.

04:50 Like I say sadly there's a lot more kids out there

04:52 needing a stronger environment and we are ready, we're here

04:56 to expand that role.